Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Team Status

 Good Morning, 

If you have not already sent your master schedule in to, please do so as soon as you can.

Also, please email with your programs team status. I will update that information here for everyone to have a reference.

Thanks so much!

Mason:  Girls Varsity, Boys Varsity, and two boys JV teams (JV 1 and JV 2) 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Linking you to Resources

Coach Information - You can find MHSAA Coaching Information and other great resources for the season by visiting this link

Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.


Standings 2022-23

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Happy Tryout Week! How is it going? Read up on some more information for this season.

 Good evening CAAC Red & Blue Bowling Coaches,

We have just been informed that the CAAC Singles Tournament has been moved to Sunday February 5, 2023. Royal Scot had us double booked and therefore, eliminated our date that we chose and confirmed back in August.

It appears that there are several schools that are still working on finalizing their schedules for this season. Please, once you have them finalized, please forward them to me at so that I can put the master list together.

Also, please remember to send me the completed score sheet immediately after the match. The home team should be send it but I will accept it from either team. Please email completed score sheets to

If you are able, please respond under this post what teams you are anticipating on having. 

Mason will have a Boys and Girls Varsity and a Boys JV.

If you have questions on contacting a coach for a particular school, look on the right of the home screen to see the list of schools. Click on the desired school and look for contact information there. If that does not work, please reach out to me and I will intervene for you.

I would like to receive all schedules from coaches before December 1st, 2022. If you can get me the information sooner, it would be greatly appreciated!!! Additionally, please send me a master list of your students names for each team. This makes it easier for those kids that may have had their name spelled incorrectly by a scorekeeper.  

As always, if there are any questions or topics I may have missed, please let me know. 

Once I receive all schedules, I will work on getting all of the information put into a master schedule.

Thank you kindly!


Rebecca Mrva

Thursday, November 10, 2022

November 10th Update

 Good Evening, Coaches & Assistants!

We are getting so close to beginning our week of tryouts. I hope each of you are ready to get the season off on the right start!

We have had some changes with some of the staffing for Coaches. If you look in the tabs on the side and click on them, it should display the Coaches name, phone number, home bowling alley and bowling alley number.  Please be sure to check your own Schools Tab  to be sure all of the information listed is correct. This is the reference point that will be given to other coaches when asking for a specific coaches contact information.

If you have other pertinent information that you need us to add, for example, our bowling alley is closed on Tuesdays, just let me know and I can add that to the page too.

Currently, I am still waiting on confirmation for

Grand Ledge Coaching Staff, so please contact the AD that is listed on that tab if you need to schedule

Barb Lawson will be coaching Eaton Rapids.

Ryan Hambleton will be coaching East Lansing. 

Ionia AD requests that you do scheduling with him, Andy Barr.

If there is anything I can assist with, please let me know. I am finally getting over the flu that was putting a damper on making progress this week.

We will talk soon!
Have a great week!!
